???? /Onomatopoeic words and interjections for use on www.romhacking.net compiled from various web sources by filler 04-30-2006/ あー /(int) 'yes, 'okay'/ あーあー /(onom) yawning/ あーっ/(int) strong version of あっ(exclamation of surprise, amazement, relief)/ あっ /(int) exclamation of surprise, amazement, relief/ あぎあぎ /(onom) bite bite, gnaw, sink your cute little fangs into (see also aguagu, kaji)/ あぐあぐ /(onom) bite bite (see also agi agi, kaji)/ あちE/(int) expression of remorse, "crap", "shoot"/ あっちE/(int) expression of remorse, "crap", "shoot"/ あっちゃー /(int) expression of remorse, "crap", "shoot"/ あはは /(onom) the sound of loud laughter/ あらよっと /(int) Along with hoisatto, these are used when one is doing some physical task and finishing it easily. One uses either or both of them at a time/ あらよっ /(int) Along with hoisatto, these are used when one is doing some physical task and finishing it easily. One uses either or both of them at a time/ あE /(int) Huh? Wha-?/ いちゃいちE/(onom) displaying affection in public, acting cozy/ いちゃくらいちゃくE/(onom) displaying affection in public, acting cozy/ うー /(int) Hmmm/ うー /(int) sound of anger: Urrgh! Grrr!/ うーっ! /(int) sound of anger: Urrgh! Grrr!/ うーE/(int) Hmmm/ うーE/Oooh, well, hmm, um, yes/ うかうか /(onom) daydreaming, not paying attention/ うごご /(onom) choking/ うすと /(onom) muttered complaining (see boso, guzu, gyaa, musu)/ うぞうぞ /(onom) menace (see also gi gi and go go go)/ うちE/(onom) kiss (see also buchu, chu, nchu)/ うっかE/(onom) daydreaming, not paying attention/ うっくE/(onom) swallow, gulp (see also gokun, kokun)/ うつE/(onom) half-asleep/ うつらうつE /(onom) half-asleep/ うと /(onom) nodding off, drowsy/ うとうと /(onom) nodding off, drowsy/ うに /(onom) the noise you make with your mouth when you're waking up/ うぷぷぷ /(onom) yet another strange laugh (see also fu fu fu)/ うE/(int) uh, uh-huh, hmm (see also fumu)/ うらー /(int) roar, war cry (see also dorya, ora, orya, sorya)/ うらうE/(onom) swaying/ うりゃー /(int) roar, war cry (see also dorya, ora, orya, sorya)/ うんしE/(int) effort (see also nsho, yoisho)/ うんっしE/(int) effort (see also nsho, yoisho)/ え! /(int) what! huh? eh?/ え? /(int) what! huh? eh?/ えっ? /(int) what! huh? eh?/ えい /(int) yelled when getting down to serious physical business, "Son of a bitch!"/ えい /(onom) shriek, "aiiiee!"/ えー /(onom) cry, wail (see also hu-e, miiii)/ えーE/(onom) cry, wail (see also hu-e, miiii)/ おいしE/(int) effort, strain: Oof! Umph!/ おいっしE/(int) effort, strain: Oof! Umph!/ おー /(onom) 1. menacing roar, animal or mechanical (such as the roar of an engine) (see also buroro) 2. wind howling 3. the sound of being impressed/ おお! /(int) approving exclamation: Oh! Whoa!/ おらおE/(int) what you say when you punch somebody repeatedly (see also dorya, orya, sorya, uraa)/ おりE/(int) what to yell as you attack; a fighting taunt or war cry. (see also dorya, ora, sorya, uraa)/ か /(onom) 1. light (see also pa, po) 2. clicking heels, footsteps/ かー /(onom) 1. light (see also pa, po) 2. face turning red, blushing (see also po)/ がーE/(onom) BIG revelation, always horrible/ がぎ /(onom) clang/ がきE/(onom) clash/ がきE/(onom) clang/ がく /(onom) shaking, wobbling (see also kaku, kakun)/ かく /(onom) 1. shaking, wobbling, losing balance (see also gaku) 2. scratching 3. running a hand through someone's hair 4. paddling a hand through the water/ がくE/(onom) to collapse, fall/ かくE/(onom) shaking, wobbling, losing balance (see also gaku)/ がくE/(onom) to collapse, fall, to lose heart/ がくんと /(onom) to collapse, fall/ がさ /(onom) rustle, stealthy movement/ かさ /(onom) rustle. Commonly used for a quiet footstep in the grass, also can be paper, cloth, or other material rustling/ かじ /(onom) bite, gnaw, sink your little fangs into (see also agi, agu, kari)/ がし /(onom) grab (see also gaba, gyu)/ がしゃE/(onom) crash, impact (see also gashin, gochin)/ がしE/(onom) crash, impact (see also gashan, gochin)/ かせ /(onom) rustle. Commonly used for a quiet footstep in the grass, also can be paper, cloth, or other material rustling/ がた /(onom) to reel in shock from a revelation, to fall or collapse/ がたE/(onom) to fall or collapse, to reel in shock from a revelation, clattering/ かちE/(onom) the click of something opening, such as a latch, a door, or even a belt (see also gacha)/ がちE/(onom) the click of something opening, such as a latch, a door, or even a belt (see also kacha), something being too big/ がちゃE/(onom) the click of something opening, such as a latch, a door, or even a belt (see also kacha)/ かっ /(onom) 1. light (see also pa, po) 2. heels going click, footsteps 3. with a bang 4. flashing ones eyes open in rage 5. be enraged, to burst into anger 6. excited, infatuated, flaring up/ がっ /(onom) impact, crunch/ がつがつ /(onom) gobble food (see also hau hau, paku)/ がば /(onom) 1. grab (see also gashi, gu, gui, gya, gyu, ku, kyu) 2. sudden, forceful action 3. jumping up from stationary position/ がばがば /(onom) gurgling/ がばがば /(onom) too big (as of clothes)/ がはは /(onom) evil laugh, same as bwahaha, fwahaha, gwahaha/ かぱE/(onom) rattle, open (compare to batan, patan for closing)/ がぷ /(onom) big bite, chomp (see also paku)/ からっと /(onom) crisp/ がらE/(onom) clatter, rattle (see also bara bara, chara chara)/ からE/(onom) rattle, open/ かりかE/(onom) something scratching on something else, e.g., a pen on paper, somebody's little fangs on your head/ かE/(onom) heels going click, footsteps/ がE/(onom) revelation, usually horrible/ がんがE/(onom) strong or violent action/ かんこE/(onom) ding dong, as of a school bell (see also pin pon)/ きい /(onom) squeak, high-pitched sound, as in a door squeaking/ ギーコ /(onom) "saw-saw", the sound of sawing wood/ ぎく /(onom) surprise (see also biku, piku)/ ぎくE/(onom) surprise (see also biku, piku)/ ギコ /(onom) "saw-saw", the sound of sawing wood/ きし /(onom) creaking (see also gishi)/ ぎし /(onom) creaking (see also kishi)/ きちきち /(onom) full, jam-packed/ きちE/(onom) meticulously, carefully/ きっ /(onom) glare, the glint of a dagger eye/ ぎE/(onom) grab (see also gaba, gyu)/ きE/(onom) shriek (see also gya)/ ぎE/(onom) shriek (see also kya)/ ぎゃあぎゃあ /(onom) whine, grumble (see also boso, busu, guzu)/ キャイE/(onom) Woof!/ きゃぴきゃぴ /(onom) happy noisy girlish chattering/ キャE/(onom) Woof!/ ぎE/(onom) grab/ ぎゅう /(onom) fast motion (see also byu, hyu, pyu)/ ぎゅうE/(onom) fast motion (see also byu, hyu, pyu)/ きゅEE/(onom) stomach rumbling, tummy growling/ きゅEE/(onom) stomach rumbling, tummy growling/ ぎE/(onom) grab, squeeze, twist (see also gaba, gya)/ ぎE/(onom) shock/ きE/(onom) twinkle, shine, glint (see also gira)/ ぎE/(onom) twinkle, shine, glint (see also kira, kiran)/ きらE/(onom) twinkle, shine, glint (see also gira)/ きらE/(onom) twinkle, shine, glint (see also gira)/ きりきE/(onom) scratching or scraping, less vigorous than giri/ ぎりぎE/(onom) scratching, grinding, more vigorous than kiri (see also bari bari)/ ぎE/(onom) glare, stare at (see also gin)/ ぎE/(onom) glare, stare at (see also giro)/ きんこうE/(onom) ding dong, as of a school bell (see also pin pon)/ きんこE/(onom) ding dong, as of a school bell (see also pin pon)/ ぐい /(onom) grab (see also gaba, gu, gyu)/ ぐい /(onom) gulp/ ぐうぐう /(onom) stomach rumbles/ ぐうっと /(onom) extreme concentration, also strong emotion/ ぐおー /(onom) a roar. Can be a fire sound/ ぐおE/(onom) the sound of a dryer. For the sound of a washing machine, see goun/ くかー /(onom) sleepy breathing/ くきゅEE/(onom) stomach rumbling, tummy growling/ くきゅEE/(onom) stomach rumbling, tummy growling/ くく /(onom) giggle in the throat/ くくく /(onom) giggle in the throat/ くくE/(onom) distinct, clear/ くしE/(onom) sneeze: ah-choo!/ ぐしE/(onom) squeeze, grab, crush (see also gucha)/ くしE/(onom) sneeze: ah-choo!/ くしゅE/(onom) sneeze: ah-choo!/ くす /(onom) little laugh/ ぐず /(onom) whine, grumble (see also boso, busu, gyaa)/ くた /(onom) droopy, wilted, limp. Used to describe people or plants. (see also guttari)/ くたE/(onom) droopy, wilted, limp. Used to describe people or plants. (see also guttari)/ ぐちE/(onom) smashing, crushing (see also gusha)/ くっ /(onom) giggle in the throat/ ぐっ /(onom) stomach growling (see also ku, kyururu)/ くっ /(onom) stomach rumbling, tummy growling/ ぐっ /(onom) what you sound like when you're sleeping (see also supigu, ku, suka, suya, gussuri.) Gu and ku are similar to zzzzz. Supigu is peaceful sleep/ くっ= sleeping (see also gu, supigu, suka, suya) ぐった /(onom) droopy, wilted, limp. Used to describe people or plants. (see also kuta)/ ぐっと /(onom) extreme concentration, also strong emotion/ ぐにE/(onom) sudden mental realization/ くは /(onom) yawn (see also fua, fa)/ くE/(onom) dizziness (see also fura)/ ぐE/(onom) stagger, move shakily (see also zuru)/ ぐE/(onom) to give noogies/ くりE/(onom) curling (as in the movement of tentacles or an unhappy dog's tail)/ くE/(onom) turning/ ぐE呂 /(onom) evil laugh, same as bwahaha, fwahaha, gahaha/ くんかくんか /(onom) sniff sniff (as of smelling). (see also funka, hunka, nku)/ げふ /(onom) belch, burp/ けへE/(onom) cough (see also geho, gofu, goho, kon, koho)/ げほ /(onom) cough (see also goho, kehen, kon, koho)/ げぼ /(onom) throwing up/ けE/(onom) unaffected, casual, unimpressed/ げんなE/(onom) exhausted/ こい /(int) "Come on" (as a fighting phrase)/ こいこい /(onom) come, come, beckoning/ ごうE/(onom) the sound of a washing machine. The sound of a dryer, however, is guon/ ごー /(onom) a roar. Can be a fire sound, often used for Hiei's fire attacks (see also bo, guooo, po)/ ごく /(onom) gulp, swallow (see also kokun)/ こくE/(onom) nod/ ごくE/(onom) gulp, swallow (see also kokun)/ こくE/(onom) swallow (see also goku, gokun)/ ゴゴゴ /(onom) The sound of an engine whirring/ ごごごご /(onom) general menace, a threatening atmosphere. (for other menacing sounds, see gi gi and uzo uzo)/ ごし /(onom) scrubbing, rubbing, wiping (see also koshi)/ こしこし /(onom) rubbing, wiping (see also goshi, geshi)/ ごそ /(onom) rummage, rustle/ ごそ /(onom) rustle, stealthy movement/ こそ /(onom) sneaky, doing something stealthily/ こちょく /(onom) frozen, paralyzed/ ごちE/(onom) impact. W-san: "Another comical collision sound." (see also gashan, gashin)/ こっくE/(onom) nod/ ゴックE/(onom) swallow (see also goku, gokun)/ こつE/(onom) little clink, like the sound of a glass being put down or a tear gem falling/ こと /(onom) little clink, like the sound of a glass being put down or a tear gem falling/ ごふ /(onom) cough/ ごほ /(onom) a deep, wet cough, also vomiting up water (see also geho, gofu, kehen, kon, koho)/ こほ /(onom) cough (see also goho, kehen, kon)/ こぽ /(onom) pouring/ ゴホッ /(onom) cough/ ごほE/(onom) a deep, wet cough, also vomiting up water (see also geho, gofu, kehen, kon, koho)/ こE/(onom) crunch, as in eating/ ごりごE/(onom) grind, scrape/ こりこE/(onom) scraping/ こE/(onom) dropping something, something rolling or tumbling (see also poro)/ ごE/(onom) rolling over/ こE/(onom) dropping something, something rolling or tumbling (see also poro)/ ごE/(onom) rolling over/ ごE瓦E/(onom) stiff, rigid gu = grabbing, pulling (see also gaba, gui, gyu)/ こE/(onom) quiet impact, such as knocking at a door/ こE/(onom) soft cough (see also goho, kehen, koho)/ がくっ /twist/bend with a jerk/ ざ! /(onom) strong, energetic movement/ さー /(onom) hissing, rain, water running (softer sound than zaa, which can also be rain)/ ざー /(onom) rain (louder rain than saa)/ さー /(onom) rustling, wind/ ざーざー /(onom) rustling, e.g., wind rustling in leaves, grass/ さく /(onom) step/ ざく/(onom) stab, thunk/ ささ /(onom) quick motion/ ざざ /(onom) rustling, e.g., wind rustling in leaves, grass/ ざざざ /(onom) footstep on grass, walking quickly or running through grass or bushes/ ざし /(onom) lash, slash/ ざしE/(onom) lash, slash/ さすさす /(onom) rubbing/ ざっ /(onom) footstep on grass, walking quickly or running through grass or bushes/ ざっ /(onom) generic white noise sound, can be tv static, etc./ さっ /(onom) hissing, rain, water running (softer sound than zaa, which can also be rain)/ さっ /(onom) quick motion/ さっ /(onom) rustling, wind/ さっ /(onom) step/ ざば /(onom) big splash (see also jabon, shapu, and bashan, picha, pisha for smaller splashes)/ ざぶ /(onom) big splash (see also jabon, shapu, and bashan, picha, pisha for smaller splashes)/ ざぶE/(onom) big splash (see also jabon, shapu, and bashan, picha, pisha for smaller splashes)/ さらさE/(onom) smooth, light, dry/ ざE/(onom) crowd noise/ さE/(onom) fresh, refreshing, invigorating, clear, fluent, eloquent/ ざE/(onom) rustle. May be specific to plants/ じー /(onom) the sound of staring, of silence, or of remaining frozen/ motionless/ じーと /(onom) the sound of staring, of silence, or of remaining frozen/ motionless/ じーとE/(onom) the sound of staring, of silence, or of remaining frozen/ motionless/ しーE/(onom) the sound of staring, of silence, or of remaining frozen/ motionless (see also jiiiin)/ じーE/(onom) the sound of staring, of silence, or of remaining frozen/ motionless/ じくじく /(onom) numbness/ しくしく /(onom) sobbing, whimpering/ しず /(onom) move solemnly/ しっとE/(onom) 1. moist. 2. calm, soothing/ じE/(onom) water/liquid flowing or rushing, or any other hissing sound (see also jo, ju, zu)/ じゃー /(onom) water/liquid flowing or rushing, or any other hissing sound (see also jo, ju, zu)/ しゃあー /(onom) something slicing through air: whishhh!/ シャカ /(onom) Sound of cocking a gun, a clacking noise/ ジャカ /(onom) Sound of cocking a gun, a clacking noise/ しゃかしゃか /(onom) scrape/ じゃき /(onom) glint of something sharp/ じゃじゃじE/(onom) hiss hiss hiss (such as the sound of Kurama frying something)/ しゃぷしゃぷ /(onom) splash (see also zabun)/ じゃぼE/(onom) big splash (see also shapu, zabu, and bashan, picha, pisha for smaller splashes)/ じゃE/(int) tada!/ じゃんじゃE/(int) tada!/ しE/(onom) quick movement, fabric rubbing, swish/ しゅー /(onom) fog, mist, steam/ しゅぼ /(onom) the sound of a flame igniting, e.g. lighting a lighter/ しゅE/(onom) snaking motion. Often used for Rose Whip or other vines or tendrils snaking around/ じゅEE/(onom) drool (see also dara dara, jo, zururu)/ しゅEE/(onom) snaking motion. Often used for Rose Whip or other vines or tendrils snaking around/ しゅEE/(onom) snaking motion. Often used for Rose Whip or other vines or tendrils snaking around/ しゅE/(onom) This sound describes something wilting. It can be used for people, to describe being sad/ じE/(onom) water or liquid flowing or pouring (see also dara dara, jururu, zururu)/ しょぼしょぼ /(onom) sadness, moping/ じょ生ょE/(onom) water or liquid flowing or pouring (see also dara dara, jururu, zururu)/ じE/(onom) something scraping on the ground. Sometimes used for a charater inching forward or backward/ じりじE/(onom) something scraping on the ground. Sometimes used for a charater inching forward or backward/ じりE/(onom) sound of an alarm clock/ じE/(onom) a hard look. 'Jiro-jiro-to' means 'in a fixed, staring manner.'/ じ生脆 /(onom) a hard look. 'Jiro-jiro-to' means 'in a fixed, staring manner.'/ じE/(onom) tears welling up/ すい /(onom) smooth movement, as of a good skater/ ずー /(onom) disappointment, sadness. It often describes things sinking, and can mean a sinking heart/ ずーE/(onom) disappointment, sadness. It often describes things sinking, and can mean a sinking heart/ すか /(onom) feeling of refreshment, for example, when you drink a carbonated drink on a hot day." (see also sawa, sawayaka)/ すか /(onom) sleeping (see also gu, ku, supigu)/ すか /(onom) whooshy sound, the sound of swinging a baseball bat and missing/ ずががが /(onom) combination of vigorous action and menace? Loud drastic things happening/ すかすか /(onom) something sparse. When you get a big box which is light for its size, and you shake it, and the packing material makes rustling sounds, that's suka suka. Or when you put on a big pair of jeans, you say 'These are suka suka (too big)/ すかと /(onom) feeling of refreshment, for example, when you drink a carbonated drink on a hot day." (see also sawa, sawayaka)/ すかE/(onom) feeling of refreshment, for example, when you drink a carbonated drink on a hot day." (see also sawa, sawayaka)/ ずき /(onom) sharp pain/ すく /(onom) getting up, standing up/ ずごごご /(onom) combination of vigorous action and menace? Loud drastic things happening/ すこE/(onom) plunk, plonk/ ずささ /(onom) zu (vigorous) plus sasa (quick motion). A quick scuttling recoil/ ずず /(onom) sip (see also zuru)/ すすす /(onom) sliding/ すた /(onom) landing (as in after you've jumped)/ すたたた /(onom) running/ すっ /(onom) breathe in (compare to fu, breathe out)/ ずっ /(onom) drool or other liquid flowing/ すっ /(onom) rain/ ずっ /(onom) sip, slurp (see also zuzu)/ すっ /(onom) slow movement, e.g. cloth slowly slipping off, someone moving smoothly/ すっぱすっぱ /(onom) puff-puff/ すててて /(onom) a little kid running fast/ すてE/(onom) falling/ すとE/(onom) sit/ すとE/(onom) a heavy thud/ ずどE/(onom) a heavy thud/ すなE/(onom) slender, smooth, graceful (see also surari)/ すぱ /(onom) cutting or breaking something (see also zuba)/ ずば /(onom) to slice or cut with a single blow (see also supa)/ すぱE/(onom) cutting or breaking something (see also zuba)/ ずばE/(onom) to slice or cut with a single blow (see also supa)/ すぴぐ /(onom) peaceful sleep, a whistling sound (see also gu, ku, suka, suya)/ すぶ /(onom) eyes (and only eyes) closing/ すぽ /(onom) pop, the sound of tight something being pulled off (or pulled out)/ ずE/(onom) menace, looming/ ずももE/(onom) menace, looming/ すE/(onom) sleeping (see also gu, ku, supigu)/ ずE/(onom) stagger when walking, or fall back in shock (see also gura)/ ずりE/(onom) stagger when walking, or fall back in shock (see also gura)/ ずE/(onom) sip, slurp (see also zuzu)/ すE/(onom) slow movement, e.g. cloth slowly slipping off..../ ずE/(onom) something heavy dragging or being pulled/ ずE/(onom) stagger when walking, or fall back in shock (see also gura)/ ずE/(onom) strong movement, more vigorous than 'suru'/ ずE困E/(onom) something heavy dragging or being pulled/ ずEE/(onom) slurp (see jururu)/ ずんぐE/(onom) dumpy/ ぜい /(onom) wheeze, gasp/ ぜっ /(onom) wheeze, gasp/ せっせと /(onom) working steadily/ ぞーE/(onom) rumbling, shaking/ そりE/(int) what to yell as you attack; a fighting taunt or war cry. (see also dorya, ora, orya, uraa)/ たー /(onom) dashing, running (see also da, do do do, tatata)/ だーあ /(onom) running away (see also do do do, ta, ta ta ta)/ だだだ /(onom) running away (see also do do do, ta, ta ta ta)/ たたたた /(onom) running lightly/ だらだE/(onom) continuous dripping of thick liquid, like blood, sweat, saliva drool (see also jo, jururu, zururu)/ だE/(onom) bang, boom, sudden impact/ ちち /(onom) high shrill noise/ ちちち /(onom) how you call a cat/ ちっ /(onom) tongue-clicking noise. 'damn'/ ちゃぷ /(onom) plunk (water sound) (see also shapu)/ ちゃぽE/(onom) plunk (water sound) (see also shapu)/ ちゃらちゃE/(onom) rattle, clatter, jingle (see also bara bara, gara gara)/ ちE/(onom) kiss (see also nchu, uchu)/ ちE/(onom) suck (as through a straw)/ ちゅんちゅE/(onom) chirp chirp (see also pii pii for peep peep)/ ちょこE/(onom) small and quiet/ ちE/(onom) quick sideways glance/ ちらE/(onom) quick sideways glance/ ちりちE/(onom) tingle of heat, shiver of cold (see also zoku for shiver)/ ちりE/(onom) chime/ ちE/(onom) quick sideways glance/ つー /(onom) bzzzzzzzz (insect sound)/ つつつ /(onom) sliding/ つぶ /(onom) eyes (and only eyes) closing/ つやつE/(onom) shining, glowing/ つE/(onom) sliding, also used for something smooth or slick/ つEE/(onom) sliding, also used for something smooth or slick/ つんつE/(onom) bad-smelling, stinky (see also pun pun)/ てひ /(onom) tee-hee, giggle/ てE/(onom) abashed. Embarrassed in a happy way. Like when you're asked out on a date by somebody you like, you go 'tere.'/ でE任E/(onom) sloppy, loose. Also to go goofy over someone, to fawn/ てんてんてんまりてんてまE/(onom) traditional song to accompany bouncing a ball/ どか /(onom) impact/ どか /(onom) impact/ どぐ /(onom) impact/ どくE/(onom) harder heartbeat (see also doki, tokun)/ とくE/(onom) harder heartbeat (see also dokun)/ とことこ /(onom) walking (see also teku teku)/ どす /(onom) spurting/ どたばた /(onom) running around wildly, as in panic or confusion (compare to jitabata for flailing)/ どっ /(onom) big impact/ どっ /(onom) heartbeat, the loudest kind! (see also doki doki, dokun, tokun)/ とっ /(onom) jumping/ とっ /(onom) quiet impact, e.g. a soft landing from a jump/ どっしE/(onom) a cut through bone/ とっぷE/(onom) night falling, the sun disappearing/ どて /(onom) impact, falling/ とて /(onom) toddle-toddle (see also hote)/ ととと /(onom) walking (see also teku, toko)/ ドドド /(onom) A whirring or spinning noise. Ex: a helicopter hovering over a ship./ どどどど /(onom) footsteps, especially heavy footsteps, running (see also da)/ どどどど /(onom) quick punches/ どび /(onom) missed kick/ どぴE/(onom) spurting (as in blood)/ どよE/(onom) sluggish and exhausted, depressed (see also bo)/ どりE/(int) what to yell as you attack; a fighting taunt or war cry. (see also ora, orya, sorya, uraa)/ どE/(onom) the sound of magical transformation (see also bon, pon, pom)/ ど栴ぱ /(onom) the sound of magical transformation (see also bon, pon, pom)/ どE/(onom) BIG impact/ とE/(onom) fairly quiet impact/ とE/(onom) jumping/ どE/(onom) sometimes added to a scene for dramatic effect, to show that something astonishing or important has happened (see also ban)/ とんで /(onom) jumping/ とんとんとE/(onom) chop-chop-chop (as of food) or any other light continuous action (see also dondondon)/ なし /(onom) smack (see also bashi, pashi)/ なでなで /(onom) stroke, pet/ にこ /(onom) smile, grin (see also nipa, nita)/ にしE/(onom) effort (see also nsho, nshotto, yoisho)/ にしE/(onom) effort, strain: Oof! Umph!/ にた /(onom) sinister smile (see also niko, nipa)/ にっ /(onom) smile, grin (see also nipa, nita)/ にぱ /(onom) brilliant smile, grin (see also niko, nita)/ にぱー /(onom) brilliant smile, grin (see also niko, nita)/ にゃE/(onom) leer/ にやE/(onom) leer/ ぬー /(onom) menace/ ぬけぬけ /(onom) nonchalantly (to speak or act that way)/ ぬけぬけと /(onom) nonchalantly (to speak or act that way)/ ぬE/(onom) greasing, soaping, making slippery/ ぬEE/(onom) greasing, soaping, making slippery/ は! /(onom) sound of surprise or realization. Can mean catching breath in shock or panic./ ぱー /(onom) light, shining (see also ka, po)/ はうはう /(onom) gobbling (see also gatsu, paku)/ ぱか /(onom) 1. opening, separating 2. snap/ ぱく /(onom) closing mouth on food, chomp (see also gapu)/ ハグ /(onom) eating, munching (see also mugu)/ ぱくぱく /(onom) eat in big mouthfuls, take quick bites/ ぱくぱく /(onom) opening and closing mouth, eating, gobbling. This is where Pac-man came from! (see also hau, gatsu)/ ばさ /(onom) rustling, e.g. cloth sliding, paper moving (see also pasa)/ ばし /(onom) impact (see also nashi, pashi)/ ぱし /(onom) impact: smack! click! (see also bashi, nashi)/ ばしと /(onom) impact (see also nashi, pashi)/ ぱしE/(onom) splashing, as with the hand (see also pisha) For a big splash, see zabun/ ばしゃE/(onom) medium splash (see also zabun for a very big splash)/ ばた /(onom) door slamming (see also patan)/ ばた /(onom) impact, often used for falling down/ はた /(onom) soft, quiet landing noise. (for a louder rattle see gata)/ ぱたた /(onom) spatter-spatter/ ぱたぱた /(onom) flap-flap/ ぱたE/(onom) door slamming (see also batan)/ ばたE/(onom) door slamming (see also patan)/ ばたE/(onom) impact, often used for falling down/ ぱち /(onom) A sharp, snappy sound. Can be click, crackle, clap, crack, etc./ ばち /(onom) crackle (see also bari, biri)/ ぱっ /(onom) light, shining (see also ka, po)/ ははは /(onom) the sound of loud laughter/ ははは /(onom) laughter (masculine laughter, as opposed to ho ho ho, which is refined feminine laughter) (see also ahaha)/ バヒE/Sound of launching something (such as a missle)/ はE/(onom) bite, chew, glomp/ ばらばE/(onom) rattle rattle (see also chara chara, gara gara)/ はらはE/(onom) to fall gently like a flower petal/ ぱE/(onom) crunch, as in eating (see also bari, kori, pori) ぱりぱE/(onom) crackle, as of energy or electricity. Quieter than bari bari/ ばりばE/(onom) crackle, crackle (see also bachi)/ ばりばE/(onom) crunch, as in eating (see also kori, pari, pori)/ ばりばE/(onom) rip rip (see also biri biri)/ ばりばE/(onom) scratch scratch (see also giri giri, kiri kiri)/ ぱりE/(onom) crash, clash pasa = rustling, e.g. cloth sliding, paper moving/ ぱE/(onom) sudden impact/ ぱんぱE/(onom) pat, pat or smack, smack, as of dusting hands (or oneself) off/ びー /(onom) highpitched sound: shriek, wail (see also kiiii)/ ひー /(onom) shriek/ ぴー /(onom) shrill sound, beeper, telephone, whistle/ ひーえ /(onom) shriek/ ひえー /(int) exclamation: eek, yikes/ ひく /(onom) hiccup/ ひく /(onom) shaking, as with anger or sobs (compare to shiku)/ ぴく /(onom) twitch/ ピク /Slight clicking noise, specifically, a gun clicking when its out of bullets/ びく/surprise (see also piku)/ ひくひく /(onom) shaking, as with anger or sobs (compare to shiku)/ ぴくE/(onom) blink, noticing something. May be from piku = twitch = pricking up the ears/ びくE/(onom) surprise (see also piku)/ ぴし /(onom) crack (as of a whip), smack (see also bishi)/ びし /(onom) whip, slap, smack/ ぴしE/(onom) splashing, as with the hand (see also pasha) For a big splash, see zabun/ ぴた /(onom) stopping/ ぴち /(onom) flap, bounce, snap (see also bichi)/ びちびち /(onom) flopping, smacking/ ぴちE/(onom) drip (see also po, pochan, pota)/ ぴちょE/(onom) drip (see also po, pochan, pota)/ ぴっ /(onom) beep, peep, any other short high-pitched sound/ ぴっ /(onom) drip (see also po, pochan, pota)/ びっくE/(onom) surprise (see also piku)/ ぴと /(onom) gentle touch/ ひひいE/(onom) high-pitched whinny, as of a horse/ ぴE/(onom) fast motion (see also byu, gyu, hyu)/ ひE/(onom) quick movement, such as leaps or a whip moving (see also byu, gyu, pyu)/ びE/(onom) quick movement, such as the leaps Hiei makes (see also hyu, gyu, pyu)/ ぴE/(onom) spurting/ ひゅー /(onom) cold wind, lonely wind/ ひゅE/(onom) quick movement, such as leaps or a whip moving (see also byu, gyu, pyu)/ ぴE/(onom) peep/ ひょい /(onom) popping up suddenly, quick movement such as reaching/ ひょこ /(onom) popping up suddenly/ ぴよぴE/(onom) peep/ ぴE/(onom) tearing, as in ripping cloth, opening a potato chip bag ) see also biri/ ぴりぴE/(onom) sharp sensation, as of pain, electricity, spiciness. Can be the sharpness or electricity of a glare/ びE/(onom) tongue hanging out/ ぴんぽE/(onom) ding dong, bell (see also kin kon)/ ふあ /(onom) sigh, blowing breath out (as in blowing out a candle (see ふっ))/ ふあ /(onom) sigh/ ふぁ /(onom) yawn (see ふあ,ふE/ ふあ /(onom) yawn (see ふE ふぁ)/ ぶい /(onom) 'V' for victory. Sound of fingers making the V-sign/ ぷー /(onom) anger (see also puri puri)/ ぷう /(onom) puff/ ふーえ /(onom) cry, wail (see also e, miiii)/ ぷうっと /(onom) snort, honk, toot (from a horn or any bodily orifice)/ ぶーE/(onom) buzz, whir, as of an insect/ ぶーE/(onom) swish/ ふきふき /(onom) wiping/ ぶく /(onom) boiling, bubbles/ ぷく /(onom) swelling, something swollen (see also buku)/ ぶく /(onom) swelling, something swollen (see also puku)/ ぶくぶく /(onom) boiling, bubbles/ ぷくぷく /(onom) swelling, something swollen (see also buku)/ ぶくぶく /(onom) swelling, something swollen (see also puku)/ ふさ /(onom) abundant soft hair. or somebody touching it/ ぶす /(onom) muttered complaining (see boso, guzu, gyaa, musu)/ ぷす /(onom) puncturing, penetrating/ ぶすぶす /(onom) muttered complaining (see boso, guzu, gyaa, musu)/ ぷすぷす /(onom) the sound of something smoldering or smoking (see also busu busu)/ ぶすぶす /(onom) the sound of something smoldering or smoking. (see also pusu pusu)/ ぶち /(onom) snap /(onom) ぷちぷち /(onom) pop pop, crackle crackle/ ぶちぶち /(onom) ripping, tearing/ ぶちE/(onom) kiss (see also chu, nchu, uchu)/ ぶつ /(onom) muttered complaining (see boso, guzu, gyaa, musu)/ ふっ /(onom) sigh, blowing breath out (as in blowing out a candle (see ふあ))/ ふっ /(onom) sigh/ ふふふ /(onom) a laugh, an evil chuckle in the back of the throat (see also ku ku ku, pu pu pu)/ ふふふ /(onom) a strange laugh/ ぷぷぷ /(onom) yet another strange laugh (see also fu fu fu)/ ふみ /(onom) step, stomp/ ふE/(int) hmph, hmm, uh-huh (see also umu)/ ぶよぶE/(onom) squishy and swollen, waterlogged/ ふE/(onom) dizziness (see also kura)/ ふE/(onom) drift/ ふE/(onom) tremble, quiver (see also puru)/ ふE/(onom) yawn (see also fua)/ ぷらぷE/(onom) limp, floppy (see also hero, mero)/ ぶらE/(onom) hanging, dangling/ ぷらE/(onom) limp, floppy (see also hero, mero)/ ふE/(onom) tremble, quiver (see also puru)/ ぶE/(onom) a head being shaken violently in the negative/ ぷE/(onom) shake, quiver (see also puri, furu)/ ふE/(onom) tremble, quiver (see also puru)/ ぶ煽E/(onom) sound of a loud motor, as of an automobile (see also oooo)/ ぶE/(onom) explosion/ ふE/(onom) gentle movement, lifting or floating/ ふE/(onom) yawn (see ふあ,ふぁ)/ ふE /(onom) gentle movement, lifting or floating/ ふE呂 /(onom) evil laugh, same as bwahaha, gahaha, gwahaha/ ぶE呂 /(onom) evil laugh, same as fwahaha, gahaha, gwahaha/ ぶE/(onom) swish/ ふんかふんか /(onom) sniff sniff, inhale (see also nku, kunka)/ ふんかふんか /(onom) sniff sniff/ ぷんたた /(onom) music. Run is a slow beat and tata quick beats. (see also bunchacha)/ ぶんちゃちゃちE/(onom) music. Bun is a slow beat and cha cha quick beats. (see also runtata)/ ふんEE/(onom) (adv-to,adv) gently, airily, fluffily/ べー /(int) nya nya!, what you say when you stick out your tongue and pull down your eyelid at someone/ べーだ /(int) nya nya!, what you say when you stick out your tongue and pull down your eyelid at someone/ ぺこ /(onom) bow/ ぺこぺこ /(onom) bow over and over (grovel)/ へた /(onom) collapsing, sitting down in despair or exhaustion/ べたE/(onom) people or objects that stick together (physically or metaphorically)/ ぺたE/(onom) smooth, flat. Also, to flop down on the floor/ ぺたんこ /(onom) smooth, flat. Also, to flop down on the floor/ ぺたんと /(onom) smooth, flat. Also, to flop down on the floor/ べち /(onom) dropping something sticky (see beto beto)/ へなへな /(onom) worn out, exhausted. (see also heto heto)/ へへへ /(onom) heh heh heh (laugh)/ ぺE/(onom) licking (see also bero)/ べE/(onom) peeling back/ へ蹟E/(onom) spineless, limp, or pliable (see also mero, pura, puran)/ ぺE/(onom) rolling up or down, or flipping/ ぽい /(onom) throwing or tossing something/ ほいさっと /(int) Along with arayotto, these are used when one is doing some physical task and finishing it easily. One uses either or both of them at a time/ ぼー /(onom) flame, fire, like the 'whoosh' of a gas range turned on (see also gooo, guooo, po)/ ぼー /(onom) sluggish and exhausted (see also doyon)/ ほー /(onom) wind/ ぽおっと /(onom) dazed, obsessed/ ぽか /(onom) impact/ ぽかぽか /(onom) warmth of the sun/ ぼかE/(onom) sudden impact/ ぼけっと /(onom) gazing vacantly/ ぼこ /(onom) boiling, bubbling. Can also be any 'pop' or bursting sound. (see also buku)/ ぽた /(onom) drip, plunk. Pochan = kerplunk! (see also pi, picha, pichon, pochi)/ ぼちぼち /(onom) something happening steadily as in water dripping/ ぽちぽち /(onom) something happening steadily, as in water dripping/ ぽちゃE/(onom) drip, plunk. Pochan = kerplunk! (see also pi, picha, pichon, pochi)/ ぽっ /(onom) drip, plunk. Pochan = kerplunk! (see also pi, picha, pichon, pochi)/ ぽっ /(onom) flame, light. Can also be blushing. For other fire sounds see bo, gooo, guooo. Other light sounds include paa, kaa/ ぼつ /(onom) whoosh/ ぽつE/(onom) aloneness, separation/ ぼて /(onom) falling/ ほてほて /(onom) toddle toddle (see also tote)/ ぽと /(onom) dropping something, something rolling (see also koro, koron)/ ぼとぼと /(onom) falling/ ほのぼの /(onom) peaceful, harmonious, tranquil/ ほほほ /(onom) laughter, specifically, refined feminine laughter. (see also ahahaha, ha ha ha for masculine laughter)/ ぽE/(onom) dropping something, something rolling (see also koro, koron)/ ぼE/(onom) sound of magical transformation or appearance, often seen with a puff of smoke (see also pon/pom, dororonpa)/ ぽE/(onom) sound of magical transformation or appearance, often seen with a puff of smoke (see also bon, dororonpa)/ まんじE/(onom) not sleep a wink/ みー /(onom) cry, wail (see also e, hu-e)/ みーんみーE/(onom) The sound of cicadas in the summer/ みしみし /(onom) creak creak/ むーE/(onom) grimace, anger, sulkiness/ むく /(onom) eating, munching with closed mouth (see also moku)/ むぐ /(onom) eating, munching with closed mouth (see also moku)/ むく /(onom) getting up, sitting up/ むす /(onom) grimace, anger, sulkiness/ むっ /(onom) grimace, anger, sulkiness/ むにE/(onom) The sound of groping, usually a girl's chest/ むむー /(onom) grimace, anger, sulkiness/ むらむE/(onom) sexual arousal/ めきめき /(onom) quick progress/ め節E/(onom) limp, floppy (see also hero, pura, puran)/ もく /(onom) eating, munching (see also mugu)/ モグ /(onom) eating, munching (see also mugu)/ もみ /(onom) groping/ やほ /(int) yoo-hoo! hey! hi!/ やほい /(int) yoo-hoo! hey! hi!/ やE笋E/(int) what you say when you're frustrated, exasperated, or giving up: Oh, well. What the heck. Good grief/ ゆさ /(onom) shaking (something)/ よじ /(onom) the sound a cockroach makes when crawling up your back. May be related to jiri jiri, which is inching/ よE/(onom) stagger, waddle, walk shakily/ よE/(onom) stagger, waddle, walk shakily/ E /(int) (a character saying it) Wow! Ack! /(onom) E /(onom) (a crowd's) excited roar (see also wai wai, wara wara)/ E爾E /(onom) (a crowd's) excited roar (see also wai wai, wara wara)/ E /(int) (a character saying it) feminine exclamation of delight/ E /(onom) excitement, happy cute anticipation/ EE /(onom) excitement, happy cute anticipation/ E燭E /(onom) flap-flap/ E蕕EE/(onom) crowd noise (see also waa, wai wai)/ んく /(onom) sniff, inhale (see also funka, hunka, kunka)/ んしE/(onom) effort (see also nisho, unsho, yoisho)/ んしE/(onom) effort, strain: Oof! Umph!/ んしょっと /(onom) effort (see also nisho, unsho, yoisho)/ んしょっと /(onom) effort, strain: Oof! Umph!/ んちE/(onom) kiss (see also buchu, chu, uchu)/ んっ /(onom) a grunt, as of surprise, effort, sleepiness, pain, or passion/ あーE/crying with the mouth open, opening the mouth wide/ あーんあーE/(onom) crying/ あくせく /(onom) toil, drudge, restlessly/ あっけらかE/(onom) indifference, calm/ あっさE/(onom) 1. a light, plain, simple flavor 2. performing an action without second thought 3. to appear simple and plain, or light yet delicate/ あっはーE/(onom) a single, seductive, moan/ あっははは /(onom) 'hahahaha'/ あっぷあっぷ /(onom) gasping for air, to struggle to stay afloat/ ありあE/to clearly see in one's mind's eye/ あんぐE/gazing open-mouthed, stunned, dumbfounded with the mouth wide open/ いえーい /'yes!, 'yay!, 'alright!'/ いえい /'yes!, 'yay!, 'alright!'/ いざこざ /confused, in a state of turmoil/ いじいじ /a paranoid expression in the eyes, a down mood/ いらいE/fuming with anger/ うーっ /dog growling/ うぉーE/wolf howling/ うす /muttered complaining/ うっ /holding one's breath in, short groan, growl, expression of repulsion/ うっさE/crying faint tears/ うっすE/faintly, thinly/ うまうま /not with it, to be completely taken in/ うE爾E/crying/ うんうE/groaning with pain, to agonise, nodding in agreement repeatedly/ うんぎE/fed up, tired of/ ええっ /'let's see...'/ えっちゃらおちゃE/(walking) unsteadily/ えっへ /attention drawing cough, michievous chuckle/ えっへE/1. attention drawing cough 2. A prideful or self satisfied laugh, a michievous laugh, "Heh-heh"/ おいおい /wailing, blubbering, crying/ おぎゃーおぎゃー /crying/ おちおち /used with a negative verb, unable to sleep due to worries/ おどおど /timorous, at a loss (through insecurity)/ おめおE/unbearable disgrace, unbearable shame/ お勢E/shock, confusion, bafflement/ おんおE/crying/ かーっ /1. to completely blow one's top, 2. hot flavor (spicy)/ かーE/clanging (bells), "clang"/ かさこそ /rumbling/ かさっ /falling off by crumbling/ かしゃっ /clicking/ かじかく /bite, gnaw/ かすかす /1. dry, lacking moisture 2. quantity, barely 3. barely in time 4. dry texture, tasteless/ かたこと /clattering/ かたんかたE/that sound trains make on tracks/ かちゃかちE/clicking/ かちゃっ /clicking/ かちE/clinking, cracking, (bouncing bullet): 'kapwing'/ かっか /1. extremely excited, having a fit of passion 2. fuming with anger 3. to fluster (either from shyness or anger) 4. a burning sensation 5. hot (spicy) 6. red-hot, brightly/ かっかっ /trotting/ かっきE/exact, precise quantity, exactly, precisely (the moment)/ かっちE/well-built, tight-fitting/ かっちんかっちE/slow 'tick tock', state of being stiff, frozen solid/ かっぽかっぽ /trotting/ かつがつ /barely in time/ かぽかぽ /trotting/ からかE/1. a good laugh (masculine type of laugh) 2. clattering/ からこE/clattering/ どっかぁぁぁぁぁぁぁE/"KA-BOOM!"/ どっかE/"Ka-boom!", "Boom!"/ からっ /clear, pleasant weather/ からっぽ /to be out of money/ からE/1. a straightforward, cheerful person 2. being pleasantly dry 3. open, clear, unobstructed 4. pleasantly dry weather, clearing up/ からんからE/clattering, hollow 'clang'/ かんかE/clear 'clang' of bells/ が /impact/ がさごそ /rumbling/ がさっ /falling off by crumbling (with a thud), thudding/ がさっ /to move in large numbers/ がしっ /strongly built/ がしゃっ /crunching/ がたがた /shake life a leaf, shaky, ill-balanced/ がたっ /clattering, suddden decline/ がたぴし /falling apart, disorderly, to move less easy (phisically falling apart)/ がたぴし /going to shambles/ がたぴし /poor structure/ がちがち /to be tight-fisted or greedy/ ありE/Huh?/ がちE/clunking/ がっちE/careful with spending, to hold firmly, firm, strong/ がっははは /evil laughter/ がっぽがっぽ /making a large amount of money/ がっぽE/making a large amount of money/ がつっ /hitting something heavy, hitting something hard accidentally, "crunch"/ がつっがつっ /stabbing with a sharp heavy object/ がつE/colliding head-on, the impact of something heavy hitting something hard accidentally/